Best free steam game for mac steam redddit
Best free steam game for mac steam redddit

best free steam game for mac steam redddit

Layer in some challenging platforming, rad boss fights, and a lotta blood and it's an easy buy for under $10.


Probably the second best 2D Souls-like (it'll take a lot to beat Hollow Knight), Blasphemous is full of grotesque, detailed pixel art that imagines Catholicism as horror, or at least scarier than it already is. It's cute, it's challenging, and once you've started it's hard to stop. Klei's colony sim about managing a collection of clones trapped inside an asteroid is both deeply complex and easy to dive into. A great way to play all sorts of games with friends. Play board games, D&D, a modded version of Gwent, and lots, with the wonderful option to flip the table over if you feel a bit of rage coming on. Our review says Soulcalibur 6 is great for new players and has a big roster, but we'd wager it's worth $9 for the character creator alone. One of the best attempts at doing a Left 4 Dead that stands on its own. Kill legions of rats as grimdark fantasy characters. Warhammer: Vermintide 2 | $7.50 / £price (75% off) Tour Europe or America for $5 each, but you really oughta go in on both. Somehow two of the most detailed, stressful sims and simultaneously the most relaxing, meditative games are trucking games.

best free steam game for mac steam redddit

It's legendary stuff, as good or better than Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hill work-weird, sad, suave, and totally unpredictable.Īmerican Truck Simulator + Euro Truck Simulator | $10 / £7.50 (75% off) Throw on a couple more bucks for the soundtrack while you're at it. A creepy horror roguelike where your guns might talk and a flowerpot might try to kill you.

Best free steam game for mac steam redddit